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SEO Keywords

Keyword or Key Phrase

What I want to do is share with you what keywords are and how to use them it in search engine  optimization well a keyword in simple plain language. Is basically a word or phrase that many people use or type in to find what it is that they're looking for so if I'm looking to find great cupcakes in the Tampa area or in the New York City area that I might search for cupcakes in New York City or pizza in New York City so if you're looking for something specific.

You can search by using these keywords now keep in mind it's not just any one single word so for example it's not just pizza because if you type in just pizza into Google you're going to get a lot of different results so here if I take a look at Google and I go ahead and type in pizza you can see that right here in this area what you'll get is some of the more popular pizza places Pizza Hut at tavola pizza Marco's Pizza you know you get the top ten pizzas in near Cincinnati which is currently where I'm at Papa John's Pizza and delicioso coal-fired pizza so there's a lot of things that are related.

But what if I search for only logos and that's all I look for if I search for only logos now I get the definition I get TV logos logo logo park on Wikipedia if I search a logo designer I can get more specific now we're talking about a keyword phrase so now this is a phrase not just a key word so you can see here now you get a logo maker this is where you can make your own logo in minutes. You get an again a logo maker graphic spring create your own logo instant logo maker but here you get logo design logo tools you also get again more The logo maker here is 99 designs which are basically where you can hire several designers or a crowd designing service types or A5 or service designers but again what if I want to sit down with my logo designer then I might go ahead and look for a Tampa logo designer or logo designer and Tampa Florida is right because there is might be two different tempos that know that in both cases, you get more and more specific now you start aligning.

Your search results are once again the Tampa logo Designer logo in Tampa so that it becomes more specific to what I'm looking for and this is what happens when you search for keywords or key phrases to target because as you start digging deeper and we search for keywords google has its own tool there's also another one keyword tool dot IO so if we type in here let's just say cupcakes and I go ahead and do a quick little search what it's going to do is give you a list of other keyword ideas and insights so there's seven hundred and three unique.

Keywords now when you look at this keyword list, you can see it from two different perspectives. You can see it from the user's side. This is what the users are typing in or the other side this is actually what you could target as a business. Phrase is really what people are searching for now keep in mind it's not just about getting the big keywords yes there are more people that search for broader keywords because if you just type in the word logo and if you're the person selling logo design software for people like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator If you just type in the word logo more than likely that's not what they're looking for okay you might be a designer. 

You might be a software provider you know and let's just say out of a hundred people if only one or two you have a one or two percent conversion you know in that case you only have one or two people that are looking for your stuff out of a hundred on the flip side if you have the keywords targeted logo design software now when somebody types that in even though the the amount of searches might be less let's say 35 searches but you get 90 percent of those. So let's just say you get to 30 people okay and you get 30 people is still much more than one or two people even though you might get way less people searching for that stuff but they're looking specifically for you and since they're looking for exactly what they're looking for and they're finding what they're looking for and you're able to provide that your conversion rate will be higher so focusing on more specific.

Keywords can be really beneficial for you because you're targeting the right people that you want that is your target market  so thanks for joining me in this site I hope you really found it helpful, thanks again and I'll see you next time.

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